The newspaper obituary of Ephriam Geiger of Somerset County PA (from the papers of my grandfather Irvin H. Dietle) reads as follows:
"Larimer Township lost one of her most respected citizens on Wednesday, December 17th, when Ephriam Geiger passed away. He had been seriously sick for only a few days, and the news of his death came as a sad surprise to his many friends. He had, however, not been quite as well as usual for some length of time but yet this fact was hardly known to most people who knew him well.
Mr. Geiger was born on the farm adjoining the one on which he and his wife spent the 32 years of their married life, on August 9th, 1859, he thus being aged 60 years, 4 months and 8 days at the time of his death.
He was confirmed in the White Oak Lutheran church, June 10, 1876 and continued throughout all these years a most faithful and loyal member of his church. He was interested in all her work, very regular in attendance upon all her services, and served in an official capacity for many years-serving as trustee at the time of his death. Needless to say he is missed in the work of the church.
On March 31st, 1887 he married Miss Mary Dietle of Greenville, to which union one son was born, who preceded him in death on Oct. 1st, 1912.
Besides his widow and Miss Margaret Christner, a niece who has lived with them for several years, he leaves two sisters, Lucinda Geiger, of Meyersdale, and Mrs. Mary Korns of Southampton Township. A large number of other relatives and a host of friends hold the memory of his irreproachable life as a rich heritage.
Funeral services, conducted at the White Oak Lutheran church by his pastor, Rev. Charles Lambert of Salisbury, on Friday afternoon, were largely attended."
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